Apache Tomcat Logs for Content Manager
Log location for Apache Tomcat used with Content Manager
How to Retrieve Content Manager Error logs
Apache logs
TCM Logs
TCM Logging
Apache Tomcat
CM Logs
CM Logging
Log location for Apache Tomcat
Logs are located on the Content manager server, in the following location:
<drv>:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\tomcat_tylercm[env]\logs
Ex: D:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\tomcat_tylercmprod\logs
The issue occurs at Apache Tomcat start up or shut down:
Navigate to Apache Software Foundation\tomcat_tylercm[env]\logs folder
Utilize the timestamps to grab thecatalina.timestamp.log that most closely matches the timeframe when the error occurred
The issue occurs during normal Apache Tomcat operation:
Navigate to Apache Software Foundation\tomcat_tylercm[env]\logs folder
Utilize the timestamps to grab the tomcatxx-stderr.timestamp.log and tomcatxx-stdout.timestamp.log that most closely match the timeframe when the error occurred
Logs when Apache is restarted, something is attached to TCM, etc. Only needed if we are currently troubleshooting Apache issues.
We recommend clearing anything older than 30 days.
For Troubleshooting purposes, we recommend backing up the folder and replicate the issue to gather relevant information more efficiently.