Employee occupying position that should be empty

Description of Issue

In Position Control, there is a position that should be empty but shows an employee in it. 

  • Enterprise ERP

  • EERP

  • Human Capital Management

  • HCM

  • Position Control

  • Employee Job/Salary


Base pay record tied to the position in Employee Job/Salary needs to be properly end dated

  1. Navigate to the Employee Job/Salary program

    1. EERP > Human Capital Management > Human Resources > Employee Job/Pay Classification > Employee Job/Salary or Human Capital Management>Payroll>Employee Maintenance>Employee Job/Salary

  2. Click Search and enter the relevant search criteria for the employee's base pay records tied to the position. 

  3. Click Accept to bring up the base pay records tied to that position. 

  4. Review the Position End Date and Pay End Date fields on all base pay records and click Update to end date them accordingly.

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