Setting Up EFT in Customers

Setting Up EFT in Customers

Description of Issue

How to setup EFT for a customer

Where is EFT setup

How to setup automatic draft payments

  • Munis

  • Accounts Receivable

  • General Billing

  • Electronic Funds Transfer

  • EFT


This article was created as a quick reference to configure EFT Automatic Bill Payments for Customers within Munis.

  1. Navigate to General Revenues>Accounts Receivable>Setup>Customers

  2. Search or Find the customer to be setup for EFT

  3. Click Accept

  4. Click EFT from the Munis toolbar

  5. Fill out the following required fields:

EFT Code - Stores the electronic funds transfer code to use for the type of transaction that takes place, such as a prenote or transfer involving a savings or checking account:

  • A - PreNote - CK

  • B - PreNote - SV

  • C - Checking

  • S - Savings

If you select A-Prenote CK or B-Prenote SV, the first EFT cycle creates a prenotification to test the transfer. After the prenotification is created in an EFT cycle, the list value automatically changes to Checking or Savings to perform a live transfer in the next cycle.

Bank - Identifies the code for the customer's bank for processing electronic funds transfers. When you enter a bank code in the box, the program displays the bank name and transit number next to the Bank box. Bank codes are established in System Administration > Miscellaneous Administration > Bank Codes

Account - Specifies the number of the customer's bank account for the electronic funds transfer. The EFT account number is only visible for a customer if the user permissions for your role include the ability to view EFT data.

Draft Day - Specifies the preferred numeric day of the month for the EFT draft to take place. Draft dates set to a day of the month that is nonexistent are automatically be set to the last day of the month.

Additional Information

The Customer EFT Data screen maintains electronic fund transfer (EFT) records for a customer. Use the Add, Update, and Delete buttons to maintain EFT records.

To generate an electronic funds transfer file, use the Electronic Funds Transfer program. The generate process creates two export files. The first export file is sent to the bank to process the EFT and the second export file is the lock box file. Once the bank processes the EFT file and confirms the funds are available and payments are made, the lock box file can processed using the Process Lockbox File program.

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