System not Allowing Type 3 or Type 6 Budget Amendments

Description of Issue

Want to enter a Type 3 or Type 6 Budget amendment but the system will not allow it. Red Warning at bottom of screen Must be Amendment Type 1. 2, 4. or 5.


Budget Transfers and Amendments


Type 3 and Type 6 Budget Amendments are one sided amendments you need permissions to enter one sided amendments.


Your System Administrator will need to go to:

  1. System Administration > Security > User Attributes

  2.  Search

  3. Enter User information

  4. Accept

  5. Left-click relevant Role

  6. Edit role (Changes to the Role will affect all users for that role)

  7. Budget folder

  8. Update

  9. Uncheck permission Disallow one sided amendments

  10. Accept

  11. Back

  12. Back

Additional Information