Munis 11.3 how to change Munis menu style

Description of Issue

User would like to change their Munis menu style to either Tree (default), Pop-tree, or Pulldown

  • Munis (11.3)

  • Tyler Single Sign On (Tyler SSO)


Setting needs to be changed under User Preferences.

  1. Open the Tyler SSO application and launch Munis using Desktop Client option

  2. Navigate to System>User Preferences:

    1. Click Update (pencil icon)

    2. Under the SDI Menu section click the Menu style drop down and choose one of the following:

      1. Pop-Tree (pop-up menu style by pressing F2 to bring the menu)

      2. Tree (default tree style layout)

      3. Pulldown (menu items are listed at the top of the interface as a pulldown menu style)

  3. Click Accept

  4. Relaunch the Tyler SSO for changes to take affect.

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