Admin cost overhead percent error updating or copying a project in Project Master

Description of Issue

Error when updating or copying a Project in Project Master when Admin Overhead Rate is NULL

Munis has detected an unrecoverable error. This program will abort after you close this message

This error has been submitted to the Munis System log. Please note the following details and report this error to your administrator and/or Munis Support.

Program ID: pamstmnt
Error Condition: Admin cost overhead percent must be greater than or equal to 0.
Date and time: YYYY-MM-DD XX:XX:XX
System Log Id: XXXX


Project Master


Admin Overhead Rate is NULL


Contact Munis Financial Support

Access to the server and SQL will be required to address this issue

Additional Information

Field for Admin Overhead Rate will be visible in Project Master only if Project Settings have been established and Project Ledger is in use