Time Entry Import Errors - Unable to find account on GL Master for validation for employee - Template

Description of Issue

We are  importing into Time Entry and are getting multiple GL errors on every single pay for all employees who use a Project in their GL Account. 

On the Time Entry Import Proof:

"Unable to find account on GL Master for validation for employee xxxx"

  • Munis Version 2018.1 and Higher

  • Payroll Processing

  • Time Entry


The Import template was defined with a column for Project Account instead of Project Code 

  1. From within Time Entry (Payroll>Payroll Processing>Time Entry Processing>Time Entry) click Import in the toolbar.

  2. Click Custom Templates. 

    1. Click the All Templates tab if needed to locate the template used for the Time Entry import. 

  3. Click View to the right of the Template name. 

  4. Pop up with display with the Template information. Click Continue. 

  5. Click the header for the incorrect column (Project Account) and select the correct header for that column (Project Code)

  6. Click Save. 

  7. Process the Import again. 

Additional Information