Project Summary Report doesn't match Project Inquiry- Reporting range incorrect

Description of Issue

Project Summary Report totals doesn't match Project Inquiry


Project Summary Report


Report Year/Period incorrect


To generate a report that matches the total shown in Project Inquiry review the detail in Project Inquiry using the steps below.

Munis > Financials > General Ledger Menu > Project Accounting > Project Ledger > Projects/Inquiry > Project Inquiry

  1. Search for the desired project

  2. Select Expense  or Funding Sources from the Munis ribbon

  3. Select the Detail Folder next to Actuals for the desired Project Year

  4. Click Date and note the first and last date listed

  5. Review the Total in the bottom left

When running the Project Summary Report, set the Start Month/Year to the first date listed on the expense detail, set the End Month/Year to the last date listed.

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