Request weekend support coverage for fiscal year close

Description of Issue

Site would like to reserve a Financial Support resource for weekend support

  • Fiscal Year Close

  • Open Fiscal Year

  • Budget Completion Journal

  • Site does not have time to lock users out of the Live production database on weekdays leaving weekend the only option

  • Large sites have long processing time due to scope of chart of accounts, GL accounts, and transactions

  • Site had a lot of turn around and former user who did process left, help required

  • Please contact your site's sales representative to request and obtain quote for weekend support 

  • If you do not know sites sales rep contact Munis Financial General Ledger Support who can confirm sales contact info

Additional Information
  • It is important for site to successfully complete entire process in TEST or TRAIN to know ETA of each process to plan weekend coverage

  • Sales will clarify any additional questions about process or expectations about billing