Item Reorder Report will pull in Item Supplier Vendor records that are not ranked over ranked vendors

Description of Issue

Item Reorder Report pulls in Item Supplier Vendors that have no ranking (ranking set to blank/null on records that migrated from 11.3 to 2019.1) over Item Supplier Vendor records that have a rank of 1


Inventory Management 



Install the appropriate work ticket for your version once it's been released:

  • 2019.1.22.0 - MUN-424140

  • 2020.3.0.0 - MUN-427007

  • 2021.1.0.0 - MUN-427008

  • 2021.2.0.0 - MUN-427009

  • 2021.3.0.0 - MUN-427010

  • 2021.4.0.0 - MUN-427011

Additional Information