Update unreleased receipt tenders with the Default Deposit in Payment Entry

Description of Issue
  • Updated the Default Deposit on a Payment Entry batch and the previous receipts are not reflecting the change. 

  • Need to update the Default Deposit on receipts' tenders in Payment Entry.

  • Changed Default Deposit but the receipts still show the previous deposit reference.

  • Receipt and Tenders' Deposits differ from Payment Entry Default Deposit. 

  • Accounts Receivable

  • Payment Entry (arbilinq)

  • Receipts (arrecinq)

  • Default Deposit


The Payment Entry batch Default Deposit was entered after the entry of receipts or needs to be changed. The receipts' Tender tab will reflect the previous Default Deposit or no Deposit unless the Update Deposits function is run. 

  1. Navigate to the Payment Entry program either by searching or via the following path: General or Property Revenues > Payment Processing > Payment Entry

  2. Click Search. 

  3. Enter the necessary Batch information to find the batch, like Batch Number and/or Entry Date. 

  4. Click Accept. 

  5. If multiple records return, use the arrows at the bottom of the screen to flip through the records or the Browse button to see a list of all returned batches. 

  6. Once the desired batch has been located, follow the steps outlined here to update the Default Deposit field if needed: Add or Update Default Deposit in Payment Entry

  7. When the Default Deposit field contains the desired Deposit, click Update Deposits in the Top Ribbon to set the Deposit on the tenders in the batch to the value in the Default Deposit field (Note: This will update every tender in the batch with the Default Deposit selections that were made). 

  8. A message will appear: Do you want to overwrite the deposit numbers on tenders within the batch with the batch default deposits?

  9. Click Yes to proceed and No to cancel. 

  10. If Yes was selected than all tenders in the batch will now have the batch's Default Deposit for that Tender Type. 

Additional Information