Update the Default Deposit for released receipt tenders in Payments Journal

Description of Issue
  • Does functionality exist to update batch Default Deposit/Tender Deposit references in Payments Journal?
  • Would like to change the Default Deposit for a batch and its tenders in Payments Journal.
  • Accounts Receivable 
  • Payments Journal (arrctpst)
  • Default Deposit

A batch has been released, but the batch's Default Deposit and the deposits on the batch's tenders need to be updated. 

  1. Navigate to the Payments Journal program either by searching or via the following path: General or Property Revenues > Payment Processing > Payments Journal
  2. Click Search
  3. Enter the Batch Number. 
  4. Click Accept.
  5. Click the Deposits tab.
  6. Click Update.
  7. Enter New Deposit (Note: This will change the deposit on every tender in the batch). 
  8. Click Accept.
Additional Information

If the Default Deposit in the batch needs to be updated to different deposits for some of the tender types in the batch, then unrelease the batch and follow the procedures outlined here: Update unreleased receipt tenders with the Default Deposit in Payment Entry