Post General Billing Invoice Entry and Proof batch
Post General Billing Invoice Entry and Proof batch
Description of Issue
- Need to post a batch of General Billing invoices in Invoice Entry and Proof.
- A batch of General Billing invoices in Invoice Entry and Proof needs to be posted to the General Ledger (GL).
- General Billing
- Invoice Entry and Proof (gbinvent)
A batch of General Billing invoices was created and needs to be posted to the General Ledger (GL).
- If not already within the batch in Invoice Entry and Proof, then navigate to the Invoice Entry and Proof program either by searching or via the following path: General Revenues > General Billing > Invoice Processing > Invoice Entry and Proof
- Click Browse.
- Double click the batch that needs to be posted.
- The Invoice Entry and Proof screen should open with the Batch Information.
- If already within the batch in Invoice Entry and Proof, then click Back on the invoice Proof Header screen. This will bring up the Invoice Entry and Proof screen with the Batch Information.
- If on the Proof Detail screen, then click Back to return to the Proof Header screen, and then Back again to return to the Invoice Entry and Proof screen with the Batch Information.
- Click Output-Post.
- Choose the desired Output for the report: Print, Save, PDF, or Display (Save is recommended).
- Click OK.
- A message appears: No errors have been detected. The invoice(s) are ready for posting. Do you want to update the files?
- Select Yes to post or No to cancel.
- A message appears: Do you want to change the messages for the invoices in this batch?
- Select Yes to change the messages for the invoices in the batch or No to post without changing the messages.
- If Yes was selected, make any updates to the Default invoice date, GL effective date, and Year/Period as desired.
- If the Default invoice date is changed, then a message appears: Do you want to change the Invoice Date and/or Due Date for all invoices in the batch?
- Both: The Invoice Date and Due Date for all invoices in the batch will be updated based on the new selection.
- Invoice Date Only: Only the Invoice Date for all invoices in the batch will be updated based on the new selection.
- No: Neither the Invoice Date nor the Due Date will be updated on the invoices in the batch.
- If the Default invoice date is changed, then a message appears: Do you want to change the Invoice Date and/or Due Date for all invoices in the batch?
- Select the appropriate Invoice message.
- Click Accept.
- If Yes was selected, make any updates to the Default invoice date, GL effective date, and Year/Period as desired.
- A message appears at the bottom of the screen: Posting successful.
Additional Information
Additional resources for working in Invoice Entry and Proof can be found here: Master Article - Invoice Entry and Proof