Divide By Zero Error When Generating Earnings and Deductions for Semi-monthly Employees

Description of Issue

In generating payroll, I received the following error:

[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Divide by zero error encountered.

  • Enterprise ERP Payroll 

  • Payroll Processing

  • Generate Earnings and Deductions

  • Employee Job/Salary 

  • Allocation Detail


The divide by zero error was due to an employee having Split Allocation detail in Employee Job/Salary for the Location and Group B/U range being generated, however the allocation percentages were not defined for the Pays


The Allocation detail from Employee Job Salary needed to be reviewed from Job/Salary, to review the allocation detail of all of the Pays for the Employee's in the Group and Location the Employee Pay Allocation Export to Excel was used. To create the Allocation Export:

  1. Navigate to Employee Job/Salary (Payroll>Employee Maintenance>Employee Job/Salary)

  2. Search for the employee's current pays, by selecting Current for the search period. Define the Location code, Group B/U, select Accept.

  3. Select Excel from the top menu

    1. When prompted select Allocation Info

  4. Review the Export file and find the employee records that have split allocation with no defined percentages

  5. Return to Employee Job/Salary, and Search  for the Employee and Pay code with the blank percentages

  6. Select Update, add the percentages to Allocation detail for each pay

  7. Return to Payroll Start and Status>Generate Earnings and Deductions

  8. Select Define and Accept then Execute.

  9. The records should generate without further divide by zero errors

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