State Tax withholdings different for users after upgrade

State Tax withholdings different for users after upgrade

Description of Issue

After upgrading to a higher version of Enterprise ERP, user has noticed that the State Tax withholdings are lower than before the upgrade, even for employees who have had no changes to pay or deduction settings since that time. 

  • Payroll Start and Status

  • Earnings and Deductions

  • Employee Deductions

  • Deduction and Benefit Master


The checkbox for 2020 or Later W-4 was checked on Employee Deduction records. In previous versions of EERP, this was ignored, but in higher versions, the system is now looking at this checkbox and calculating withholdings differently. The 2020 or Later W-4 checkbox is generally only intended to be applied to Federal Taxes, with exceptions for a few states. The Employee Deduction records can be updated either manually or via import to remove this checkbox. 


The Employee Deduction records must be updated to uncheck the 2020 or Later W-4 check box. 

To update manually:

  1. Navigate to Payroll>Employee Maintenance>Employee Deductions

  2. Search for Employee and click Accept.

  3. Click Update.

  4. Uncheck 2020 or Later W-4.

  5. Click Accept

To update via import

  1. Navigate to Payroll>Employee Maintenance>Employee Deductions.

  2. Click Search

    1. Enter Deduction Code and Search Period of Current.

    2. Check 2020 or Later W-4.

  3. Click Accept.

  4. Click Excel.

  5. Click Select None on Export Filter, then select at least the following:

    1. Employee Number

    2. Deduction Code

    3. Start Date

    4. End Date

    5. 2020 or Later W-4

  6. Click Accept.

  7. In Excel file, update the 2020 or Later W-4 value to N. 

  8. Add column with Action Flag header and populate with U for Update.

  9. Save as either Excel or CSV file.

  10. Go to Payroll>Employee Maintenance>Employee Import.

  11. Click Custom Templates and choose Employee Deductions Import.

  12. Enter name and Delimiter option, if necessary.

    1. For a CSV file, choose Other and enter a comma (,) in the field to the right. 

  13. Click Browse and choose the file created from the export.

  14. Choose header options as necessary.

  15. Click Upload.

  16. If columns do not have Headers populated, use white drop down error to choose the correct Header names.

  17. Click Save.

  18. Return to Payroll>Employee Maintenance>Employee Import

  19. Click Define.

  20. Choose new Template and Export file. 

  21. Check Skip First Line if using Headers.

  22. Click Accept

  23. Choose output option and review Proof for errors. 

  24. If there are no errors to address, return to Employee Import screen and click Yes to prompt Post import data to 'live'?

Additional Information