Cashiering payment is not in EERP

Cashiering payment is not in EERP

Description of Issue

Cashiering payment looks completed but the payment is not in EERP. 

  • Cashiering
  • EERP
  • Enterprise ERP
  • Payment processing
  • Payment Entry
  • Receipt Inquiry 

Cashiering payment went pending and was manually Resolved. Using the Resolve feature will only complete the payment in Cashiering to allow the batch to be closed. If this feature is used, the payment needs to be manually added in EERP. Please review EERP to confirm the payment is not present before manually adding it. 


To confirm if the payment went pending, view the payment's details to see if there is an External batch number and External payment reference:

Locate external system payment information in Cashiering

If there is no External payment information, the payment would have gone pending; a Cashiering payment cannot complete without getting External payment information from the External System. 

The Batch Messages can also be reviewed for additional confirmation.

  1. From the Cashiering Home screen, click the ellipse on the batch
    1. If the batch is closed, find the batch under Research (book icon on let side of screen)
  2. Select Virtual Tape
  3. Find the payment in the Virtual tape and click the ellipse on the payment
  4. Click View details
  5. Review the Batch Messages section

If the payment originally failed there should be an error message such as Transaction X failed in the external system and is pending. No message given.

If the payment was manually Resolved, the Batch Messages should show the following: Transaction X with pending payment has been resolved manually with reference code.