Mass change Payroll Delivery Options in Employee Master

Mass change Payroll Delivery Options in Employee Master

Description of Issue

 Is there a way to do a mass change for existing employees that have other delivery options selected in order to make the delivery method uniform for everyone?

  • Payroll
  • Employee Maintenance
  • Employee Import
  • Employee Master
  • Employee Inquiry 


There is no mass option to update the delivery options. However, there is an option to import the information into Munis.

Create an excel file from data that is looking to be imported:

  1. Navigate to Employee Inquiry (Human Capital Manage > Payroll >  Employee Maintenance > Employee Inquiry) 
  2. Click Search
  3. Search for the either all employees (if changing for all of them) or search for the applicable employees that are needing to be changed
  4. Navigate to the ribbon at the top of the page
  5. Click Excel
  6. Apply the applicable filters to create the report
  7. Once the data is in Excel a Custom Template will need to be created and then the data can be imported into Employee Master. 
    1. Additional Information - How to mass update the advice delivery in Employee Master

For the import process please refer to the following link: Utilizing Flexible Imports and Exports

Additional Information