Mass Inactivating Employee Master Records

Mass Inactivating Employee Master Records

Description of Issue

Is it possible to mass inactivate employee records in Employee Master?

  • Enterprise ERP

  • Payroll

  • Employee Master



The only function that can mass inactivate Employee Master records is to update the records via import.

  1. An import file needs to be created with Employee Number, Status, and Action Flag as columns

  2. Go to Payroll > Employee Maintenance > Employee Import

  3. Click Custom Template

    1. If a template is not already created that matches the import you will have to create one

  4. Create a template with the same headers and order of headers as the template with the data to import

    1. Because existing records are being updated, place in every cell in the column

  5. Click Import

  6. Select the template from the dropdown menu and the file to import

  7. Click Accept

  8. Review Import Proof

  9. Go to Payroll > Employee Maintenance > Employee Master and check an employee's record to make sure the data imported correctly

Additional Information

Ensure that client knows that importing is extremely sensitive to the information in the headers and the importing data. A single special or extra character can cause an error to appear and cancel the import. 

Utilizing Flexible Imports and Exports