Tyler Technologies Mass Emails from Marketing

Tyler Technologies Mass Emails from Marketing

Description of Issue

How did I or a coworker end up on an email list from Tyler?

Why did a former coworker no longer employed by us receive this mass email from Tyler?

  • Communication
  • Campaign
  • Notice
  • Product Retirement
  • Security Remediation
  • Maintenance Alert
  • tylertech.com

Tyler Technologies utilizes our online support portal to determine which users to contact in mass email notices based on listed job title and support case history of being a point of contact. For example if there is an urgent need to communicate with our clients about Payroll Software anyone with Payroll in their job title or was the point of contact in a Payroll Support Case would be added to the list for that communication.


To have a user(s) removed from the marketing list contact software support through our online support portal: https://www.tylertech.com/client-support