No data available in Purchase Order Entry when searching for batch

Description of Issue

After manual conversion of PO, unable to find it in Purchase Order Entry

  • EERP

  • Purchasing

  • Purchase Orders

  • Auto conversion failed

  • Permissions

  1. Go to System Administration > Security > User Attributes

  2. Search User ID

  3. Apply a filter

  4. a.Select Financial Management from the Product dropdown

  5. Select Purchase Orders from the Module dropdown

  6. Click Go

  7. Click Data Access tab

  8. Ensure permissions exist for Maintain others' unposted POs and Maintain others' posted POs

  9. Click on Effective Permissions tab

  10. Ensure permissions exist for Create / Maintain own Unposted PO's up to/including status

Additional Information

User should now be able to pull in the Batch and see the Purchase Orders.