Staffing Planner access permissions will not save

Staffing Planner access permissions will not save

Description of Issue
  • Cannot get the Staffing Planner access drop-down menu to show its contents. This field must have a selection picked before the application will allow them to save the changes.

  • Staffing Planner Access empty dropdown

  • Staffing Planner field is blank in Payroll/HR permissions folder

  • 2021.9

  • 2021.10


Dormant issue at some sites where the permission was not properly loaded when it was added.

The Roles program was recently updated in Jira issues  MUN-458933 (2021.9) or MUN-458935 (2021.10) to retrieve the combobox values from the RBAC metadata instead of being hardcoded in the Role program. 


Infrastucture Dev has opened MUN-472661 to allow the  PR Role Permission screen to save Staffing Planner Permission. 

The current workaround is for TSM Support to process RBAC

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