Update the Retrieval Date for Cubes - OnPrem
There is no cubes data available before a certain date
Tyler deploy
Munis Cubes
Cubes have been configured to retrieve data back to a specific date.
Connect to the Cubes DB using Analysis Services
Launch SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
Expand Integration Services Catalogs
Expand Projects
Right-click desired Cubes
Select Configure...
Find IntExtractStartYear; if missing, skip
Select … at the end of IntExtractStartYear
Select Edit value
Input the start year for data retrieval
Example: 2016
Select OK
Select OK
Find DtExtractStartDate; if missing, move on to step 17
Select … at the end of DtExtractStartDate
Select Edit value
Input the start date for data retrieval
Example: 1/1/2016 2:00:00 AM
Select OK
Select OK
Updates will take effect after the next cubes job completion
Please note that this process will cause Cubes to run slower, as it is trying to pull in more data.
When installed, cubes pulls from the last 5 years automatically.