Bill Refund Processing Error Executing update arparams -244
Bill Refund Processing Error Executing update arparams -244
Description of Issue
When processing or releasing a Refund from Bill Refund Processing, an error occurs onscreen.
- Error executing update_arparams cursor. -244 ISAM -1222.
- Lock request time out period exceeded.
- Accounts Receivable
- Bill Refund Processing
- Accounts Receivable Settings
Accounts Receive Settings is either locked or a user has the program in Update mode.
See the following to identify who is locking the Accounts Receivable Settings program: Accounts Receivable Settings Locking Programs.
Additional Information
Contact the appropriate Enterprise ERP Support team, based on billing category, for further assistance. See the following article: How to determine the correct Accounts Receivable support team to assist with an issue.