Accrual Tables-End of Year-T-Transfer Over Limit

Accrual Tables-End of Year-T-Transfer Over Limit

Description of Issue

How does the End of Year option T-Transfer Over Limit work with Accrual Year End Processing?

  • Payroll

  • Employee Accruals

  • Accrual Tables

  • Accrual Year End Processing



With the End of Year option T-Transfer Over Limit, the system will evaluate the employee's current Available Balance and compare it to the limit set on the Service Levels Tab. If they have a balance exceeding the set limit, the amount by which they are over the limit will be removed from the Available Balance for this type and added to the Transfer type that is defined on the End of Year tab for the starting Type. The remainder will be carried forward and used as the SOY Balance for the originating Type. 

For example, on the End of Year tab in Accrual Tables, Type 1 Vacation is set to Transfer Over Limit to Type 2 Sick. The Employee has 100 hours available for Type 1 and the Limit defined on Service Levels is 80 hours. When Accrual Year End Processing is run, it will subtract 20 hours from the Type 1 Available Balance and add them to the Type 2 Available Balance. Then, the 80 hours remaining for Type 1 will be transferred to the SOY Balance for that Type and the employee will start the year with 80 hours. 

Additional Information