Parcel receiving Preliminary Overbilled Adjustment that should not be

Parcel receiving Preliminary Overbilled Adjustment that should not be

Description of Issue

The Actual Commitment Book is creating Preliminary Overbilled Adjustments for a Parcel or Parcels that should not receive a Preliminary Overbilled Adjustment.   

  • Property Tax Billing 

  • Northeast Tax

  • Actual Tax 

  • Commitment Book (tmaactcm)


There are many possible causes for this issue. One known cause is that the Next original bill field in Tax Year Settings was updated to a previously used bill number before new parcels were added for the Actual Tax Billing (usually through the Import Real Estate CAMA to Munis program). 

  1. Check the Tax Year Settings Audit to see if the Next original bill field was changed prior to the start of the Actual Tax Billing. 

  2. Search in the Parcels program for the Tax, Parcel, and List no (Bill Number that is receiving a Preliminary Overbilled Adjustment and should not be). 

  3. If multiple records return with that search, there is possibly a problem. 

  4. To resolve the problem, if in a non-PROD environment, refresh the environment (install a recent backup of LIVE into the non-PROD), and start the bill run from the beginning without updating the Next original bill field in Tax Year Settings or set this to a value that is definitively higher than any bill number previously used. 

Additional Information

If additional assistance is required, please contact Northeast Tax Support. 

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