Boat Abatement amounts getting reset to full abatements
When entering a Boat abatement, the proper amount calculates on the main screen of Abatement Entry based on the Months to Abate or Action Date but then resets to a full abatement when drilling in to the Charges screen.
Abatements on Boat bills are defaulting to full exemptions.
MV abatements are calculating wrong.
Net Assessment reduced to zero after returning to the main Abatement Entry screen from the Charges screen.
Boat Excise
Abatement Entry (txabtent)
The abatement reason code is tied to an Exemption Code with the Applies To field set to Assessment.
MUN-467526 has been created with development to address the issue with the Abatement Entry Charges screen displaying the incorrect amounts.
Additionally MUN-470270 will address a problem with the net assessment being reduced to zero on the main Abatement Entry screen after returning from the Charges screen.
Please install these tickets when they become available.
As a workaround, change the Exemption Code that is used as the abatement reason code so that it Applies To Principal Tax instead of Assessment, if appropriate.
For additional assistance contact Northeast Tax Support.