CSS Parcel displaying property has an outstanding lien
When viewing a Real Estate Parcel in CSS or MSS, a message is displaying that This property has an outstanding lien.
When adding a Special Condition code to a bill or parcel containing the Attribute Do Not Accept Payments, the parcel will display the following message in CSS: This property has an outstanding lien.
Accounts Receivable
Property Tax Billing
Tax Sale Processing
Special Condition Codes
Development is currently researching the issue.
Until a fix is available, consider the following workarounds:
Remove the Special Condition Code from bills/parcels containing the attribute Do Not Accept Payments.
Remove the attribute Do Not Accept Payments from all Special Condition codes.
Use the attribute Accept Cash Only instead of Do Not Accept Payments on Special Condition Codes.
In CSS Settings for Real Estate, there is a checkbox to Allow display of the lien status message that can be disabled. Note: this removes the message for parcels in Lien as well.
In CSS Settings for Real Estate, there is a Lien status message text that can be manually changed. The Default is This property has an outstanding lien. You could temporarily change this to say This property is not eligible for online payments. Note: this will change the message for parcel in Lien as well.