Book and Page incorrect on Parcel

Book and Page incorrect on Parcel

Description of Issue
  • The Book and Page on a Parcel or Property is incorrect.
  • The Book and Page for a Parcel is incorrect on a Title or Lien.
  • The Book and Page for a Parcel on a Municipal Lien Certificate (MLC) is incorrect.
  • Property Tax Billing
  • Book/Page 
  • Parcels (txremast)
  • Titles (ttlienmt)
  • Liens (tllienmt)
  • Municipal Lien Certificates (tmalienc)

This issue is usually caused by a formatting problem in the CAMA file that was imported. It can also be caused by a problem with the CAMA bridge.

  1. There is a known issue with Vision 8 where the Book/Page is in a different position and formatted differently than it has been in the past. In some instances, the page is left justified instead of right justified. For example, the correct Book/Page formatting would be 1234 0123 and the file would contain the incorrect value 1234 1230. If Vision 8 is the CAMA vendor, then please contact them to correct the file's positioning and formatting of the Book/Page. 
  2. If Vision 8 is not the CAMA vendor and this issue needs to be troubleshooted further, it is best to find the last year where the Book/Page was correct for the affected Parcel(s).
  3. To do this, navigate to the Parcel Inquiry program either by searching or via the following path: Property Revenues > Region > State > Inquiry > Parcel Inquiry
  4. Click Search. 
  5. Enter the Parcel Id in the Parcel field. 
  6. Click Accept.
  7. Click Legal information. 
  8. The Book/Page is displayed in the Book/Page field. 
  9. Use the arrows at the bottom of the screen to flip through the records and find the most recent year where the Book/Page was correct for this Parcel. 
  10. Now open the CAMA file for the year that the Book/Page was correct and the CAMA file for the year where the Book/Page is incorrect. 
  11. Press CTRL + F in the files and search for the Parcel Id or Parcel's Location Address
  12. Copy the Parcel entry from the correct CAMA file and the incorrect CAMA file into a new Notepad window and use CTRL + F to look for the Book/Page values. 
  13. Compare the position of the Book/Page value in the file and how it is formatted between the two entries. The Book/Page needs to be in the exact same position and formatted the exact same way that it was in the correct file versus the incorrect file. If the value is in a different position or formatted differently, please contact the CAMA vendor for assistance correcting the file. When the file is corrected, import it into Current to correct the Current records. 
  14. If there is no difference in the position or formatting between the two files, please contact Tax Support for the appropriate region. 
Additional Information

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