User needs Cloud Admin password reset

User needs Cloud Admin password reset

Description of Issue

User forgot password to log into Cloud Admin

  • Munis

  • Cloud Admin

  • Password Reset




Option 1:

If the user's account is not locked out, they can reset the password themselves by using the Forgot Password option on the Cloud Admin homepage

Option 2:

  1. Login to Cloud Admin as an administrator

    1. Datacenter: https://cloudadmin.tylertech.com/

    2. AWS: https://muniscloud.tylerhost.net/

  2. Navigate to User Account Management > Manage User Accounts.

  3. Under Select a Datacenter Customer click Change and select the correct client.

  4. Navigate to the affected user.

  5. Click Reset User's Password.

If the issue persists please reach out to the MUNIS TSM SaaS team.

Additional Information

This will send the user an email to the email address associated with the account. The user an then click the link and follow the steps to reset their password.