With Secondary Balancing- An Invalid number of DTDF records exist for fund xxx segment xxx account

Description of Issue

Getting An Invalid number of DTDF records exist for fund: xxx segment: xxx account when trying to do an entry


Secondary Balancing

DT/DF Relationships


This error can occur when fund is set to secondary balance by a segment but the DT/DF relationship is setup by Fund


Enterprise ERP > Financials > General Ledger Menu > Setup/Chart of Accounts > Due to / Due From Setup

  1. Search or Browse to pull up the fund from the error

  2. Select Update, change the setup for the fund with the error to be a Due to Object and a Due From Object.

  3. Accept to save the record,  then go back to retry the entry.

Additional Information

With Secondary Balancing the Segment level selected for the Fund to balance to would need an account with the DUE TO/DUE FROM Object code and each of the Segments used as the Segment level.

For example if the Due To/Due From Object code is set to be Object 1000 and The fund is set to Secondary Balance to the Department segment for each department code assigned to an account within the fund would also need an account with the 1000 Object code. Â