Tyler Cashiering Debit Void Not Allowed in ROAM
A Cashiering transaction received an error, so they re-ran the transaction. The failed transaction was posted in ROAM, so now the citizen is charged twice. When they go into roam and void the transaction, it creates a -0.00 line item and errors. It seems that debit transactions cannot be voided in the system.
Tyler Cashiering (2021.8.0.1 prod)
Tyler Payments
ROAM merchant
To adhere to Tyler PCI Compliance, the Debit PIN is required to void the transaction. Since a card reader cannot be connected to ROAM directly, only credit card transactions can be voided through the processor.
If a Cashiering record of the transaction exists, the payment can be voided through Virtual Tape beginning in version 2021.11.1. A credit card device will be needed when voiding a debit transaction. The device will prompt the user to insert/tap/swipe card so that the PIN can be input again to process the return. If there is a device setup in the hardware console, voiding should follow the normal flow.
If there is not a device setup in the hardware console, a Confirmation prompt will be displayed stating that a device is needed. Note that if the cashier chooses to continue, the transaction will be voided in Cashiering only. If the cashier chooses to not continue, the transaction will not be voided in Cashiering or the processor.
To run all cards as Credit:
Navigate to Cashiering Administration > Tender Types.
Edit the Credit Card tender type connected to Payments.
In the Advanced tab, uncheck Allow Debit PIN.
For scenarios where a debit transaction needs to be voided and no corresponding Cashiering record exists, a Refund Check must be issued for the citizen. We apologize for any inconvenience this causes.
The Payments processor requires Track 2 data for Debit Refund transactions, meaning the card must be either dipped, tapped, or swiped during the transaction and the void. Tyler PCI Compliance prohibits storing Track 2 data, so there is no way to run a Debit Refund from the data stored on the Debit Sale; a Debit Refund must be run with the card present.