EERP Tyler Disaster Recovery Services Testing
How to request yearly testing of the Tyler Disaster Recovery Service (TDRS).
Disaster recovery
Enterprise ERP
Tyler Disaster Recovery Service
On Premsis
Self Hosted
On-Prem clients that have an active contract with Tyler Disaster Recovery Services have the ability to perform a DR Test once per calendar year. A DR Test is a scheduled mock test of a disaster declaration event which will help to ensure site-specific processes that may be impacted by a disaster. A DR test may be requested by a TDRS client at no additional cost.
If you are an On-Prem hosted client and have an active contract with Tyler Disaster Recovery Services, please contact Software Support for assistance:
If you are an On-Prem hosted client and do not have an active contract with Tyler Disaster Recovery Services, please contact your sales rep to discuss our Tyler Disaster Recovery Service.