Open New Fiscal Year hangs after selecting Output Post report options

Description of Issue

When clicking Output/Post, defining the report output options, and clicking OK, the Open New Fiscal Year program loads endlessly when PDF is selected

  • Open New Fiscal Year

  • Close Current Fiscal Year

  • Journals

  • PDF


Save as type set to PDF when defining the Output options for the journal posting report


Work ticket MUN-486023 is open with development to address this issue. While that issue is outstanding, use the .txt option if save is being selected during the Close Current Fiscal Year or Open New Fiscal Year processes.

If excessive loading occurs immediately after selecting the output/post options, the program can be closed, reopened, and the steps can be reattempted with Plain text selected as the Save as Type output method instead:

  1. Financials > General Ledger Menu > End of Period > Fiscal Year End Processing > Open New Fiscal Year

  2. Click Define

  3. Update Effective Date field, if desired

  4. Click Accept

  5. Click Process

  6. Click OK to prompt

  7. Click Output/Post

  8. Select the Save radio button instead of the Print radio button option

  9. Set the Save as type field to Plain text (.txt)

  10. Click OK

Additional Information

This article only applies to excessive processing time immediately after clicking Output/Post, selecting the desired Output options for the journal posting report, and clicking OK. If excessive processing occurs after receiving the additional popup that displays GL Open Year Proceed with open year update? and clicking YES to continue with posting the SOY journals, DO NOT CLOSE the Open New Fiscal Year program.