How to Setup Dock Pay for Accrual Overages using Time Entry

Description of Issue

How should the Dock Pay code be setup if we have Accruals that are not setup as Subtract from Base in Pay master?

If we have Accruals that are subtracting from base, how do we setup the Dock Pay code? 

  • Payroll

  • Pay Master

  • Time Entry



The Dock Pay code setup will be dependent upon the Accrual Pay setup.

An Accrual Overage Time Entry Rule should be setup. Use Time Entry Rules Documentation for more information. 

If the Accrual Pay codes are checked as Subtract from Base:

  1. In Pay Master (Payroll> Payroll Setup>Pay Master)

  2. Search for the dock pay code. Verify it is defined with a Category 07-Dock Pay. 

  3. Calc Code field is recommended to be a calc code 90-Percent of Base Pay.

  4. Factor field would be set to 1. 

  5. Example:

    1. 80 hours of base pay generated into payroll for an employee. 

    2. The employee has 48 hours of Sick time in Time Entry but only 40 available. 

    3. During the Time Entry Move, when Dock Pay is selected, the 80 hours of base pay get reduced to 40, the Sick pay code takes the 40 available, then a line for 8 hours dock pay with a negative rate will populate for a total of 72 hours. 

If the Accrual Pay codes are not checked as Subtract from Base:

  1. In Pay Master (Payroll> Payroll Setup>Pay Master)

  2. Search for the dock pay code. Verify it is defined with a Category 07-Dock Pay. 

  3. Factor field would be set to 0 so there is no rate associated.  

  4. Calc Code field is recommended to be a calc code 90-Percent of Base Pay.

  5. Example:

    1. An employee has 56 hours base pay in Time Entry.

    2. They take 7 hours of Sick leave but only have 6.25 available in Employee Accruals. 

    3. During the Time Entry Move, when the Dock Pay is selected, since the base pay hours are not reduced because Sick pay is not Subtract from Base, the base hours will still be 56, the Sick pay will take the 6.25 the employee has available and there will be a .75 dock pay line with no rate associated with it.

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