Retro Pay Effective Mid Payroll

Description of Issue

When Retro Pay Job Salary records have an Effective Date that starts Mid Payroll for the new Retro Pay Rate/Amount, will the Retro Payout Amount only be for the Effective Dates that have a new pay rate/amount, or will the Retro Payout Amount be for that entire payroll period? 

  • Payroll

  • Payroll Processing

  • Process Retro Pay


Employee is receiving a pay change that is retroactive and the Effective Date in Job Salary falls in the middle of a payroll period. 


The retro payout should only be for the new effective dates where the pay rate/amount has changed. The Retro Payout Amount is the difference between the old rate/amount and new rate/amount. Since the dates before the new Effective Date had no pay rate/amount change, there is nothing to pay out for those dates. The payout should not be fore the entire payroll period, just the dates with new retro rate/amount. 

Additional Information

If you use Time Entry, It does not matter if the records rolled up when moving Time Entry to Payroll.

The retro payout should only be for the Effective Dates with a Pay Change. Â