How to pull a report on Employee Deductions
Is there a report within Enterprise ERP that can pull data for how much employees are paying per paycheck based on certain benefits?
Employee Deductions
Payroll Detail History
Use the Payroll Detail History program (Payroll> Employee History> Payroll Detail History) if looking for what employee had deducted in a specific warrant.
Click Search.
Enter Warrant.
Choose Deduction, from the Earnings/Deductions drop down field.
Enter Deduction code(s).
Define any other fields necessary.
Click Accept.
Click Excel.
If looking to pull the standard amounts for Employees, use Employee Deductions (Payroll> Employee Maintenance> Employee Deductions).
Click Search.
Click Current for search period.
Enter Deduction code.
Define any other additional fields necessary.
Click Accept.
Click Excel.