Employee Deduction Register report amounts

Description of Issue

Where does the employee amount, employer amount and employee gross amount (EMPE AMT, EMPR AMT, EMPE GROSS) come from?

  • Enterprise ERP Payroll

  • Employee Deduction Register Report

  • Accumulators

  • Payroll check history



The amounts are based on the Frequency selected when the user runs the report:

  1. If the Frequency is Month, Quarter, Year or Fiscal Year, the amounts come from the accumulators

  2. If the Frequency is Date, the amounts from check history for the date range entered.  Will report on payrolls with a check date that falls within the range defined.

Additional Information
  • Can view accumulators in the Accumulators Report (Payroll > Employee History > Accumulators Reports)

  • A couple of ways to view check history would be in Payroll Detail History (Payroll > Employee History > Payroll Detail History), or Detail Check History Report (Payroll > Employee History > Detail Check History Report)