Unable to modify the General Ledger Effective Date information on a Purchase Card import

Description of Issue

When importing Purchase card statements into Munis, we are unable to modify the Year/Period, GL Effective date, despite being permitted to in the past. The fields are grayed out.

  • Munis

  • Accounts Payable

  • Purchase Card Import


The statement code being used for import has already been used previously. Munis consolidates Purchase Card transactions by statement code; so if a statement is imported against statement code "JULY2021" into fiscal year/period 2021/1, and you attempt to import against that same statement code "JULY2021" again, in the following month (2021/2), Munis will obligate you to use the 2021/1 date information, since those transactions will be inserted into the 2021/1 statement.


Utilizing a unique statement code will allow you to enter unique GL effective date information, so if the statement code of "JULY2021" was already utilized in 2021/1, then a statement code of "AUG2021" may be more applicable for statement transactions being imported into year/period 2021/2.

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