Print Payroll Advices step not complete and only printed half of the Advices

Description of Issue

I am trying to print payroll advices and its saying the number has already been used, it's showing green and saying it has 63 out of 364 left to print. 

  • Munis

  • Payroll Start and Status 

  • Print Payroll Advices


The Print Payroll Advices step was accessed during the Employee Update causing a server issue and only part of the print occurred.


Delete the Advice run and print using the original starting advice number. 

  1. Access Payroll Start and Status: Human Resources/Payroll > Payroll > Payroll Processing > Payroll Start and Status

  2. Search on the payroll Run Type and Warrant. Click Accept, then click Change in the menu

  3. Click Print Payroll Advices. select Yes to the prompt to verify the appropriate payroll is active. 

  4. Click Delete in the ribbon and select Yes to the prompt stating: Delete advices from current payroll?/Delete checks from current payroll?

  5.  Verify the original starting advice number into the Starting Check Number field. If it's incorrect, Click Change in the ribbon and define the correct number.

  6. Click Accept and select Print Checks/Adv in the menu of the ribbon.

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