How to include Employer paid contribution to Prudential 457b Deduction Report

Description of Issue

When I run this report, I am missing the contributions for the Employer Paid deductions

  • Munis

  • Payroll Processing

  • Deduction Report

  • Prudential 457b


The Employer paid deduction codes were not entered when the user defined the report.

  1. Go to Payroll Start and Status. (Payroll>Payroll Processing>Payroll Start and Status)

  2. Search for the warrant. Click Accept. Click Change. Click Deduction Report.

  3. Confirm active warrant prompt. Click Yes.

  4. Click the report, Prudential 475(b). Click Accept.

  5. Click Define. Populate all mandatory fields.

  6. Define the Employer Paid deduction code range in the Employer Contribution fields. (Example 7000 to 7002).

  7. Click Accept. Click desired output type. Confirm Employer Contribution amount is populated on the report. 

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