Error adding deductions into Earnings and Deductions for an employee - An Array Variable has been referenced outside of it's specified dimensions

Description of Issue

We are getting errors when trying to add just one employee's Deduction 3000 into Earnings and Deductions in payroll. 


Program stopped at 'prgended.4gl', line number 1722.

FORMS statement error number -1326.

An Array Variable has been referenced outside of it's specified dimensions.

Munis (sprunpgm)

Program stopped at 'prgended.4gl', line number 1722.

FORMS statement error number -1326.

An Array Variable has been referenced outside of it's specified dimensions.


  • Munis

  • Payroll Start and Status

  • Earnings and Deductions 

  • Employee Master

  • Employee Job/Salary


Pay Frequency mismatch. The Pay Frequency in Employee Master (S-Semi-Monthly) did not match the Pay Frequency in Employee Job/Salary (B-Biweekly)


Correct the Pay Frequency in either Employee Master or Employee Job/Salary, then Delete and re-add the employee in the payroll.

  1. Go to Employee Master (Payroll>Employee Maintenance>Employee Master)

    1. Or Employee Job/Salary depending on where the Pay Frequency needs to be corrected

  2. Search for the employee. Click Accept. Click Update. Define the correct Pay Frequency. Click Accept. 

  3. Go into Earnings and Deductions in the payroll (Payroll>Payroll Processing>Payroll Start and Status. Search for the warrant. Click Accept. Click Change. Click Earnings and Deductions)

  4. Search for the employee. Click Delete in the toolbar. Select Yes to the prompt asking if you want to delete.

  5. Click Add. Define the employee number, Check 0 and deduction cycle. Click Accept. 

  6. Add applicable pay(s). Click the Withholding tab. Add in deductions as needed. 

Additional Information