How to link a Munis Role to a TCM permission group from User Attributes

Description of Issue

Instructions for site administrators on how to grant access to save or view attachments from a TCM enabled program in Munis.

  • Munis
  • Tyler Content Manager
  • TCM
  • Mappings

  1. From Munis Menu >  System Administration > Security > User Attributes.
  2. Click Search > Enter User Id or Name > Accept.
  3. Click on any Role on the Roles tab.
  4. Click Edit Role .
  5. Under General Click Munis System. 
  6. In section General, if View attachments and associated documents is not checked, Click Update from ribbon, add check to setting, click Accept.
  7. Scroll to Data Access Section, click on yellow folder to right of TylerCM group access setting.
  8. Click Add.
  9. Click Elipses > Select Group > Click Accept.
    Hold CTRL then CLICK to select multiple groups.
  10. Click Accept at bottom left of screen.
  11. Click Back command from ribbon to return to the Munis System Roles screen.
  12. Click Back from command ribbon to return to the Roles screen.
  13. Click Back command from ribbon to return to the User Attributes screen.
  14. Click Back command from ribbon to close the User Attributes screen.
    Note, be sure to click Back after making changes to ensure the updates get applied. Using the x to close the browser window will lose all updates.