PA Act 32 Report error - could not match PSD to city code

Description of Issue

What is causing the could not match PSD to city code error?


Emp: [Affected Emp#], PSD 1: [1st affected PSD value], PSD 2: [2nd affected PSD value] - could not match PSD to city code

Emp: 123456, PSD 1: 450104, PSD 2: 450104 - could not match PSD to city code

  • Payroll

  • Pennsylvania

  • PA Act 32 Report


When the LIT Local Code Deductions option in the Payroll Control Settings program is either 1 (Primary Location and City Code in the Master) or 3 (Job/Salary Location and City Code from the Master), this error indicates that the system can't figure out which PSD is the residence PSD.  

Error can be caused by inaccurate define of the PA Act 32 Generate screen, or City Code setup issues.

  1. Ensure that a 5000 range deduction has not been populated anywhere on the screen except for the Deduction Exclusion, if applicable. 

  2. If the Generate define was already accurate, this indicates an issue with City Code setup.  Manually maintain the PA Act 32 Period Records for the employee in question to correct the information for the current reporting quarter before creating the submission file.

  3. To correct the issue going forward, ensure that the City Code field in the Employee Master is populated, and populated with a Location Code that has the correct deduction code defined in the Local Tax Deduction field of the Location Codes program.  If these pieces are currently in place, the error indicates that they were not in place for one or more Warrants within the reporting quarter.  

Additional Information

Review PA Act 32 Report - Setup for additional details on creating and linking City Codes.

Review PA Act 32 Report - Processing for additions details on Generate define.