Need FL Retirement Report Secure Address Public Records Exemption Indicator to be Y

Description of Issue

Need a Y in column 401 of the FL Retirement Report submission file to indicate an employee is Public Records Exempt

  • Payroll

  • Florida

  • FL Retirement Report



Position 401 in the submission file is set based on the Secure Address checkbox on the Period Record, which Generates based on the Secure Address field on the FL Retirement Maintenance record.  The Period Record value can be manually maintained, if needed.  

To Generate Secure Address = Y on the Period Record: 

  1. Go to FL Retirement Maintenance

  2. Click Search

  3. Enter the Employee (#)

  4. Click Accept

  5. Click Update

  6. Change the Secure Address checkbox from blank to checked

  7. Click Accept

Additional Information

Position 401 was introduced in 2013 as "Secure Address" and has since been changed to Public Records Exemption Indicator in the file layout (FRS Chapter 4 Automated Reporting Formats). 

However, it is still referred to as Secure Address in FRS Chapter 3 Elements on Retirement Report