How do I find a reversed journal after it has been posted

Description of Issue

Looking for a journal reversal after the item was posted

  • Journal reversal

  • General journal entry proof

  • GRV

  • Reversal



After a journal is posted there are 2 ways that the reversal journal can be found in MUNIS.

  1. Financials > General ledger menu > Journal entry/history > Journal inquiry/print 

    • Click on Search

    • Type in the Journal year, period and number

    • Click on Accept

    • Click on the Journal links - all journal associated with the original journal will appear in this area

2.  Financials > General ledger menu > Journal entry/history > Journal inquiry/print 

    • Click on Search

    • Type in the Journal year

    • In the Reference 4 field type in the original journal information in this format YYPPJJJJJJ (6 digits for Journal number)

Example : 2204000286 - if the journal number is 3 digits add 3 zeros before the number

    • Click on Accept

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