Current Segment Budget: What segments are within budget? card not filtering when making selections and clicking filter icon - Card does not support Advance Page Filtering

Description of Issue
  • I want to focus on... card is filtering on a segment

  • Selection is made with a checkmark on the Current Segment Budget: What segments are within budget? card

  • Appropriate connections exist between Origin and Receiving card

  • User clicks the filter icon on the Current Segment Budget: What segments are within budget? card

  • Receiving card does not update

  • HUB cards


Current Segment Budget: What segments are within budget? card does not support Advance Page Filtering


Install HUB work ticket HUB-4946 when available on Tyler Deploy/MIU

Workaround to update receiving card(s):

  • Click the Account Segments dropdown or click record to highlight without making a selection using the checkmark box

Additional Information

Currently only some cards support Advance Page Filtering