Transaction amount cannot be zero when trying to post a budget amendment

Description of Issue

Error is received when trying to post a budget amendment

Transaction amount cannot be zero 

System log Id: xxxxx


Budget Transfer and Amendments

Project Budget Package 

Export to Amendment


The BUA was generated by exporting a project budget package to an amendment where there were zero dollar lines within the project budget package


Work ticket MUN-423587 is open with development to address the issue

As a work around the zero dollar lines would need to be deleted or updated with an amount in order to post

Additional Information

You will need to close the Budget Transfer and amendments program before trying to delete or modify the zero dollar lines.  

If the program is not closed out prior to updating the lines you will receive the following error

Invalid Transaction Structure (bgamdent)

An invalid structure for database transaction logging has been detected.
A BEGIN WORK instruction was executed within an open transaction.

     Previous Transaction ID: begin=5521
     Current Transaction ID: begin = 1193

Please contact Munis Technical Support