Page Unresponsive Error After Munis TCM Update
After a Munis/TCM update, users see spinning/loading issues within TCM and/or an error when trying to access TCM stating:
Tab Index out of Bounds.
Page Unresponsive
This image is taking a while to load. If you expected the image to load quickly, you can retry. If you expect it to have problems or take a while to load (large image, lots of pages, full color), you can choose to get a download link instead or continue to wait for it to load.
Tyler Content Manager
Possible browser cache issue.
If possible ask the user to open a browser in Incognito mode to log in and see if mappings display in the Choose Document Type list: Run Chrome incognito mode
If this works we would like to coordinate a time to have a CM Development Engineer connect to troubleshoot browser caching issues that occur after a CM update. Please create a case through the Portal.
If the above is not possible, on each users' workstation, clear the browser cache, specifically for a duration of 'All Time,' for the designated browser being used.