Effective date must be within the selected year period notification Import Journals - Effective date does not match Fiscal year period

Description of Issue
  • User is importing a journal in Import Journals program

  • Effective date is not consistent with Fiscal year/period 

  • Notification appears at the bottom of screen and user is unable to progress

Notification examples:

Effective date must be within the selected year/period.

Effective date must be within the specified year and period.


Import Journals


Effective date does not match Fiscal year/period 


To progress beyond notification:

Ensure Effective date matches Fiscal year/period

Additional Information

Example that would generate notification: 

  • Fiscal year date range is 07/01/2021 through 06/30/2022

  • Fiscal year/period is set to 2022/01

  • Effective date is set to 08/01/2021 

Example that would NOT generate notification:

  • Fiscal year date range is 07/01/2021 through 06/30/2022

  • Fiscal year/period is set to 2022/01

  • Effective date is set to 07/01/2021Â