Year End Manager Copy tasks from existing checklist option missing

Description of Issue

In Year End Manager can see prior years checklist however after selecting the Year >  Edit Checklist > New Checklist only the options Use the default checklist and Start with blank checklist appear. The third option Copy Tasks from an existing checklist is missing. 

  • Year End Manager

  • YEC

  • Year end close

  • General Ledger


Year End Manager does not allow coping of Prior year lists after Year end Close


New work ticket MUN-418144 has been opened to address the issue, Year End Manager does not allow copying of Prior year lists after year end close. The work ticket has been attached to the Support Incident for tracking purposes by the site via the MUNIS Client Portal. Additionally covered under MUN-418144 is the 

  • User can copy the list multiple times for the same year as long as they don't exit the screen. If the user exits the screen, when they return to the program, the year on the new lists will advance to the next FY

  • Users also do not have an option to delete checklists after they are created

The current work around to Fix the current year checklist:

  1. Open the current year Checklist in Year End Manager

  2. Click Edit Checklist

  3. Under Available Tasks Click User Defined Tab

  4. Add the Custom Tasks to the Checklist

  5. Reorder the Tasks as needed

To prevent this from happening again:

Once the Checklist for current year has been updated you will want to Create a Copy of the Checklist for next before closing the year

Additional Information

Created a default checklist for 2021 and now it shows all three options but only to create a checklist for 2022

Work ticket priority escalated and new information provided to development for fix 4/20/2024